Introduction to Math Functions in C++ Programming Language

 Math Capabilities in C++

 C++ has many capabilities that permits us to perform numerical undertakings on numbers.

max and min capabilities in C++

The maximum ( a , b ) capability can be utilized to track down the most elevated worth of an and b:

Code in C++


utilizing namespace sexually transmitted disease;

int fundamental( ) {

cout << max( 50 , 120 );

return 0 ;


Furthermore, the min ( a , b ) capability can be utilized to track down the least worth of an and b:

Code in C++


utilizing namespace sexually transmitted disease;

int principal( ) {

cout << min( 5 , 10 ) ;

return 0 ;


C++ Header document

Different capabilities, for example, sqrt (square root), round (adjusts a number) and log (regular logarithm), can be found in the header document:

Code in C++



utilizing namespace sexually transmitted disease ;

int fundamental( ) {

cout << sqrt( 64 ) << endl ;

cout << round( 2.6 ) << endl ;

cout << log( 2 ) << endl ;

return 0 ;


Other Numerical Capabilities

A rundown of other famous Numerical capabilities ( from the library ) can be tracked down in the rundown underneath:

Math Capabilities Portrayal

abs( a ) Returns the outright worth of a

acos( a ) Returns the arccosine of a

asin( a ) Returns the arcsine of a

atan( a ) Returns the arctangent of a

cbrt( a ) Returns the shape base of a

ceil( a ) Returns the worth of a gathered together to its closest whole number

cos( a ) Returns the cosine of a

cosh( a ) Returns the hbperbolic cosine of a

fabs( a ) Returns the outright worth of a drifting a

fdim( a , b ) Returns the positive contrast among an and b

floor( a ) Returns the worth of an adjusted down to its closest whole number

hypot( a , b ) Returns sqrt( a2 + b2 ) without middle flood or undercurrent

fma( a , b , z ) Returns a * b + z without losing accuracy

fmax( a , b ) Returns the most elevated worth of a drifting an and b

fmin( a , b ) Returns the least worth of a drifting an and b

fmod( a , b ) Returns the drifting point rest of a/b

pow( a , b ) Returns the worth of a to the force of b

sin( a ) Returns the sine of a (an is in radians)

sinh( a ) Returns the exaggerated sine of a twofold worth

tan( a ) Returns the digression of a point

tanh( a ) Returns the exaggerated digression of a twofold worth

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