Introduction to Switch Statements in C++ Programming Language

                   Switch Explanations in C++

Switch Articulations in C++ Programming Language

A switch explanation, in C++ Programming Language, is a determination proclamation that considers the trading of program control to a declaration list with a change name that looks at to the worth of the switch explanation. The switch proclamation licenses us to execute a block of code among various different choices.

A switch proclamation is a control explanation that executes a bunch of rationale considering the result of a relationship between's a controlling articulation and not entirely set in stone in the switch block. This kind of assertion helps in allowing the worth of a variable or articulation to pick the code block for execution from a summary of contenders that address the different possible results that can occur.

The usage of a switch explanation brings about superior execution and lucidness when diverged from that of the if else if proclamation. A switch proclamation can contain one more switch explanation, which can yield better execution over various procedures.

The break Watchword

Right when C++ shows up at a break watchword, it breaks out of the switch block. Right when a match is found, and the errand is done, it's the best an open door for a break.

Linguistic structure

switch( articulation ) 


    // switch is watchword in C++

  case 1:

       block of explanations


  case 2:

       block of articulations

 case 3:

       block of articulations



      block of articulations


Flowchart of Switch Articulation

flow chart of switch

stream graph switch articulations in C++ Programming Language

stream diagram of Switch Proclamations

Code in C++

#incorporate <iostream>

utilizing namespace sexually transmitted disease ;

int primary( ) {

  int choice = 4 ;

  switch ( choice ) {

  case 1 :

    cout << " Feline " << endl ;

    break ;

  case 2 :

    cout << " Canine " << endl ;

    break ;

  case 3 :

    cout << " Bull " << endl ;

    break ;

  case 4 :

    cout << " Fox " << endl ;

    break ;

  case 5 :

    cout << " Cow " << endl ;

    break ;

  case 6 :

    cout << " Camel " << endl ;

    break ;


  return 0 ;




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