Introduction to Type Casting in C++ Programming Language


Type Casting in C++

Type Projecting:

C++ grants us to change over information of one information type to totally to that of another information type. This is known as type transformation.

Sorts of Type Projecting:

There are two sorts of type projecting in C++ programming language.

  1. Certain Projecting
  2. Unequivocal Projecting

Certain Projecting:

The information type change that is done naturally wrapped up by the compiler is known as Understood Projecting. This sort of change is additionally called programmed projecting.

For the most part happens when in an articulation more than one information type is accessible. In such condition type projecting ( type transformation ) ends up avoiding lose of information.

Every one of the information sorts of the variable is moved up to the information kind of the factors with more noteworthy information type.

How about we See Illustration of Certain Sort Projecting.

Code in C++

  //  verifiable sort projecting

#incorporate <iostream>

utilizing namespace sexually transmitted disease ;

int fundamental( ) {

   // relegating an int worth to name of int information type

   int roll_no = 19;

   // pronouncing a twofold kind age variable

   twofold age ;

   // implied transformation

   // doling out int worth to a twofold factor

    roll_no = age ;

   cout << " Result is " << endl ;

   cout << "roll_no of int information type = " << roll_no << endl ;

   cout << "period of twofold information type = " << age << endl ;

   return 0 ;



 Yield is roll_no of int information type =19

period of twofold information type = 19

Unequivocal Sort Projecting:

This interaction is likewise called type projecting and this kind of projecting is client characterized. Here the client can type projecting the result to make it of a particular information type.

In C++, it might be done by two distinct ways:

Type projecting by task: This is done by unequivocally characterizing the normal sort before the articulation in section { } . This can be additionally remembered to as strong cast.

Linguistic structure:

( information type ) articulation ;

Code in C++

#incorporate <iostream>

utilizing namespace sexually transmitted disease ;

int principal( )


    twofold x = 3.2 ;

    // Unequivocal projecting from twofold to int

    int diff = ( int )x - 1 ;

    cout << " Distinction = " << diff ;

    return 0 ;



Distinction =2.2

Type Projecting utilizing cast Administrators:

C++ additionally has 4 administrators for type projecting. They are known as type projecting administrators. They are folllowing

  1. static_cast
  2. dynamic_cast
  3. const_cast
  4. reinterpret_cast

Advantages of Type Projecting:

  • This is done to advantage unambiguous features of type progressive systems or information type portrayal.
  • It helps with process articulations containing factors of different information types.

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